Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Third Day on my All Raw Diet

Today makes it three whole days and you know what, not so bad! I missed eating something bread like yesterday so I had a larabar and it totally worked. There was even chocolate cake with chocolate mousse filling at work monday and I said no thanks!

I feel so much better too. I have cut back my 8-9 cup of coffee addiction to 2-3 and have not had one crazy insane headache freakout. I think all the healthy fruits and veggies are giving me plenty of energy. I will admit I have been tired, but also I havent been sleeping over 7 hours a night lately and I need my 8 hours!

1 comment:

  1. I eat alot of raw items, but couldn't be all raw all the time, no way. I keep my system clean by drinking 2 Tbsp Bragg's apple cider vinegar, mixed with 1 Tbsp honey, once a day, and that does the trick for me. And to answer your question about the burrito post on my blog, I bought them at Gluten Free Specialty in Sacramento. They have a decent selection of raw stuff too.
